Did you know that STRESS is the SILENT KILLER!
When the mind, body, or spirit is stressed and it is not addressed it will break down your immune system and can cause the following symptoms:

You become less social or distant.
Drink more alcohol to numb yourself.
Angry - Resentful
Become impatient/short tempered.
Mind Will Not Shut Down!
Fatigue - Insomnia
Lack of Energy or Motivation to Exercise
Gain weight in your belly/abdomen area.
Over stimulate with caffeine or stimulants.
High Blood Pressure
Raises your Cortisol levels.
Become Insulin resistant.
Sugar Cravings
Resistance to Change
Desire for things to be different.
No Inner Peace or Joy
To Name a Few…
Is STRESS stopping you from being healthy, happy, motivated, energized, or living a balanced life? Discover how working with Joyce Pellegrini and her SCIO biofeedback technology will assist you in shifting your ENERGY, MINDSET, which will begin to TRANSFORM Your Life guaranteed if you make all the moves!
What is SCIO Biofeedback Technology?
The SCIO is an electrophysiological biofeedback system. SCIO stands for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System and has been approved by the FDA 30 years ago. It is a safe, powerful evoked-potential biofeedback device designed for simplicity of use and powerful healing. It works naturopathically to stimulate and harness the tremendous capacity of the human system for self-healing. Using Quantum Physics, it scans the client's body much like a virus-scan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities, and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions, and vulnerabilities. The technology is based on over 30 years of research in bio-energetic and bio-resonance medicine. It also provides the best energetic analysis possible, far surpassing single parameter probe systems.
How Does Technology Work
The System is a highly sophisticated program. The ionic exchanges of reaction that take place in your body and brain (at 1/100 of a second) are measured as energetic components in your body. With a feedback loop, the device measures your resonance pulse and sends back an alternate pulse to which your body responds. In turn, your body alters its own reactance pulse, thus creating a change. For example, from pain to no pain, compulsive to anxiety-free, imbalance to balance. Due to the 'auto focus' function, it can adjust biofeedback therapies to ensure and constantly adjust the correct settings during your session. This function eliminates the need for expert knowledge about rife, bio-com and electro-acupuncture.
What can it detect?
Food Sensitivities, Allergens, Mental/Emotional, Hormones, Meridians, Amino Acids, Fatty Acids, Minerals, Flower Essences, Muscles, Aroma Therapy Oils, Organ Sensitivities, Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Environmental Sensitivities, Bones, Herbs, Prions, Candida, Homeopathics, Spiritual Energies, Chakra Imbalances, Toxins, Venoms, Digestion, Viruses, Degeneration, Diseases, Ligaments, Vitamins, Drugs, EEG/ECG, Brain wave, and so much more!
Biofeedback Overview
It is the most advanced system of analysis and therapy available in energetic medicine today. It is capable of processing over 60 million bits of data to help detect stressors in the body and all within 3 minutes. Sessions can range from 1 to 3 hours depending on your stress levels.
Can chronic stress cause depression?
Chronic stress can increase the risk of developing depression if you are unable to cope with stress. Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to positive or negative situations in your life. Examples, being a workaholic, no life balance, loss of a job, new job, pressure at home, relationship issues, loss of a loved one, etc. You may frequently be in a bad mood, your productivity may decrease, relationships may suffer, develop insomnia, and even difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Sound familiar? Are you a Stress Junkie?
The issue is if you do not learn how to manage your STRESS you become addicted to stress. Symptoms can be muscle tension, heart pounds, anxiety, respirations increase, and your body stops all its non-essential processes.
Science has established that STRESS can lead to cardiovascular disease, but did you know that it can also lead to your weight gain – of the worst kind? Stress induced weight gain typically involves an increase in belly fat, which is the most dangerous fat for your body to accumulate, and increases your cardiovascular risk. STRESS alters the way fat is deposited because of the specific hormones and other chemicals your body produces when you are stressed.
Prolonged STRESS can also damage your brain cells and make you lose the capacity to remember things. The brain cells of stressed rats are dramatically smaller, especially, in their hippocampus area, which is the seat of learning and memory. STRESS disrupts your neuroendocrine and immune system and appears to trigger a degenerative process in your brain that can result in Alzheimer’s disease as well. STRESS can also accelerate the aging process by shortening your telomeres, the protective genetic structures that regulate how your cells age.
In the words of Dr. Lissa Rankin, author or Mind Over Medicine. “Our bodies know how to fix broken proteins, kill cancer cells, retard aging, and fight infection. They even know how to heal ulcers, make skin lesions disappear and knit together broken bones! But here’s the kicker – those natural self-repair mechanisms don’t work if you’re stressed?”
Most common health conditions that are caused by or worsened by STRESS:
Cardiovascular Disease * Hypertension * Depression * Anxiety *Sexual Dysfunction * Infertility * Frequent Colds * Insomnia * Fatigue * Lack of Concentration * Memory Loss * Appetite Changes * Digestion Issues * Cancer * Many More!
Working with Joyce and her team, you will learn exactly how your STRESS is affecting your body, mind, and spirit.

It is time to understand how destructive your daily STRESS is. Stop the INSANITY now! You will be informed on where your stress levels are, how it is affecting your overall health, tips and techniques for reduction, and possible life style changes necessary to look and feel better. The SCIO technology is not only educational but it will send your body energetic frequencies leaving you relaxed, balanced, and equipped to reduce your stress.
When you begin to address your Body’s Electric System it makes shifting your Energy and Mindset so much easier to Transform Your Life and potentially add 10 – 15 years to it!

Don’t let the EMTs take you away before your time.
This life is not a dress rehearsal.
Isn’t it time to live your life by DESIGN and not by DEFAULT! Without your health what is the point? We look forward to working with you with families like yours to LIVE LIFE FULL THROTTLE!
Get your FREE copy of Joyce Pellegrini’s book ENERGY MINDSET TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE.
My goal in life since his death has been to live a life filled with passion, purpose, and adventure. One passion has been to travel to every State in the US and beyond. It is the most amazing feeling to ride the back roads of my country, reconnecting to mother nature brings me incredible joy that most people do not understand. From following this passion to creating several successful businesses, and enjoying a stress-free, healthy action-packed life. This loss forced me to no longer settle for less and to live life full throttle to its fullest potential.
Through my exploration of health and wellness naturally, I learned a skill set that was quite unique… and that was the art of shifting my energy and mindset from simply surviving… to truly thriving.
I have been educating and training clients over 13 years and as a result, I have been able to transfer my processes which are all technique driven. I am proud of myself because 1000s of lives have been shifted and impacted by these teachings.
It is so important to understand the body’s electric, shift your personal energy, mindset, to eat, move and think differently can potentially slow down the aging process living a vibrant life. Those who have implemented, ultimately transform their mind – body - spirit. I haven’t had a failure yet.
I so look forward to sharing my life’s work, passion, and purpose with you. A life’s work that is transferable, duplicatable, and will enable you to potentially look and feel better than ever, gain more energy, reduce pain, sleep deeper, feeling more alive, and potentially change the course of your family’s lives forever.
When you begin to eat move and think differently you can manifest the health and life you were meant to live potentially adding 10 – 15 more years. I cannot think of anything else I would rather do so people like you with families like yours can live a FULL THROTTLE vibrant life because it is never too late.
I am Joyce Pellegrini … Stress Management Coach, Mentor, Author, and Speaker… driven by heart, integrity, passion, and purpose.

My Proven 5-Step Process
Eat Differently
Move Differently
Think Differently

Coming soon - Joyce will be hosting a 90-minute educational training with easy to implement life style changes to live a vibrant life. Fill out the form below for your VIP pass now before seats are gone. Speaking Engagements will begin January of 2020.
Some of Joyce's Clients Before & After Photos

Stress Management & Biofeedback System Makes All The Difference In The World!

Biofeedback is a safe, powerful device designed for simplicity of use and powerful healing. It works naturopathically to stimulate and harness the tremendous capacity of the human system for self-healing. Using Quantum Physics it scans your body much like a virus-scan on a computer, looking for everything from viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, allergies, abnormalities and food sensitivities. It reports on the biological reactivity and resonance in your body and indicates needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities. The technology is based on over 30 years of research in bio-energetic and bio-resonance medicine. It also provides the best energetic analysis possible, far surpassing single parameter probe systems.
Short Testimonials Proving My Process Works
As Seen On

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